Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bipolar or Stress?

Bipolar Disorder or Just Stressed?
Have you ever felt as if you were riding a rollercoaster though life? Going through the ups and downs not only with the long days but also the waves of emotions that you and others face? Well many people especially teenagers have states or times where they start to get over whelmed with the pressures of life, but many cannot figure out if they are struggling because of stress or if they are truly experiencing a disorder known as “bipolar disorder?”
 Through my life I can honestly say that I am unsure that I am just facing stress, my whole life I have been dealing with many emotions such as anger, sadness, and happiness but I have never felt as if I was just dealing with the simple facts of life and growing up.  Bipolar disorder is classified as an treatable illness it causes many mood swings and can effect anyone,  I am one of those people that are effected by this (well so I assume) because I feel like I do not get over my moods as well as other and I face more challenging days than people who are not affected it. If you feel the same way then you may be dealing with it also.


  1. I like this topic , you have done a good job of expressing it too. I like reading about bipolar disorders because of the fact that it runs in my family. My dads side of the family deals with the stress and bipolar , and depression side , while my moms side delt with the stress , alcohol , and bipolar. My dad suffers with everything on his side of the family , and my mom only deals with the stress part of her family , and i secretly think she deals with the bipolar part too - well unless thats just her being a stressed out mom! I live with my mom , so i tend to pretty much feed off of her moods , because you know that saying " If moms not happy , neither is the rest of us!". Being a high school student , and being 18 is VERY stressful , and difficult , and confusing ; so it is hard to put my finger on whether im bipolar like the rest of my faily , or if im stressed out. Now I know that you are not quit sure either , but what do you feel that makes you think you are?

  2. I totally agree with this post because i myself deal with this problem.Sometimes i just feel like i need to be alone an then the next minute i want to be around people.I stress all the time about grades an problems going on in my.I getting better with it though an i'm happy to say today iv'e changed.Iv'e enjoyed reading this post an i can not wait for the next one.
