Sunday, February 13, 2011

Relationships: Make it or Break it ♥

Relationships: Make it or Break it

There are much type of love relationships in this world for every type of person it just depends on what you’re into. Many relationships have to start somewhere, they can either start from friendship or just jumping into it, it all depends on what you see as being a potential relationship.

Throughout the world people have been known to date or marry their best friends from high school, childhood, college, or just randomly. Not everyone starts out from being friends they might just be spontaneous and jump into it, a lot of times that doesn't work out unless your committed and working towards it. If you start out as friends and grow towards a relationship then you may be lucky to find your spouse, who knows? I have seen and heard of many people growing up together and making their relationships grow into marriage; if you have Ms.Persen as a teacher you might have heard her mention her love story between her husband & herself. They started out friends in high-school then dated then they made it official, many girls dream about one day gaining the "fairy tale ending" but they never think about the work for getting to that point.

Have you ever felt like you were in love with someone (even if you guys were just 'talking?’?) You thought they were the love of your life, would do anything for them, and be with them forever then get your heart broken? Well that's called lust not love. Many girls these days think they are in love when really they have no idea what that is or what it means to work for and in a relationship, after they have been through the heart ache they start to doubt themselves stating things like "I'm not good enough" or "I'm never going to find happiness" but who says that love and happiness will never come?
Celebrity love expert Patti Stanger went on Oprah to talk about her tips to finding love she has said there are eleven tips and they are:
1. Thou Shall Return Calls in a Timely Manner
2. Thou Shall Honor Your Commitments
3. Thou Shall Let the Man Take the Lead
4. Thou Shall Leave History in the Past
5. Thou Shall Be Focused and Positive
6. Thou Shall Not Drink Too Much
7. Thou shall not be a Gold Digger
8. Thou Shall Act Like a Lady
9. Thou Shall Show Sincere Appreciation and Interest
10. Thou Shall Not Give Nookie on the First Date
11. Thou Shall Break the Text Habit

- "Life is not about a party. There are going to be ups and downs and trouble and things are going to happen that are not great. How do you ride that road so to speak, that bumpy road, if you don’t have a partner in life? If you just think life’s a party, you’re going to end up being the last one at the party to leave." - Patti Stanger  

1 comment:

  1. Patti stanger is the truth. I agree with all her tips except the third one.I'm a type of girl that likes to take charge of post her reationship but other than that the was great. I can not wait for the next post on reationships.
