Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Do You Think ?

Have you ever felt as if your partner is being unfaithful? Many men and women often feel as if they are being lied to because of little signs they suddenly start to see, infidelity is one of the leading causes that make or break relationships throughout the nation. Some people can never actually find out if their spouses are not be 100% honest with them but here are some ways to find out what is going on the minute you turn your back to face the world.

1.    He/She super protective of his gadgets
If your man/women are acting shady about you touch or even going through their electronics then that be a perfect sign that is showing you they must have something to hide. If they don’t care about if you look through their things then you can cross that off your suspicious list.

2.    He steps up the grooming.
Throughout your relationship if he dresses a certain way and then all of a sudden changes his appearance then your safe bet is that something or someone is causing him to change this.

3.    He smells different.
This may go along with the way he is dressing once he starts smelling different either a better smell then something is going on because if they couldn’t smell that way for you then who’s to say someone didn’t cause them to act this way?

4.   Nothing fazes him anymore.
If you start to either have problems with your partner or feel self-conscious about something and try to confront them but they don’t care about what you’re saying then who knows what they are truly thinking about….

"For nothing can seem foul to those that win."
William Shakespeare


  1. I like this little blog. These little " tips " of how to figure out if your partner is doing soemthing out of the ordinary , such as cheating or lieing. In all of my past relationships , i was always so uptight about everything because i have always been cheated and lied to , so i tend to carry my reaction to the past into the future relationships , which in a way i think starts to cause them to not want to be with me anymore. Some guys or should i say most guys think that they are just soooo good at "playing the game" ; but in reality girls are better because we have been hurt so many times that we have figured oput everything and there is no getting away with it. Blogs like this is just another way to help girls get stronger and less volnerable in un-healthy realtionships.

  2. real talk i don't need no tips on cheating. I would know if a man cheating because they would stat acting guilty. It's always tell signs to a man cheating, women just got to be aware an keep there eyes open.

  3. Haha I like the nothing fazes him part, I hate it when people pull that nonsense and act like nothings wrong or when something is wrong they avoid conflict.
