Thursday, April 7, 2011

forever and a day...

So over the past two years I have realized a lot about relationships and how much work is truly needed for one. Throughout my relationship with my best friend and also boyfriend we have seen many great times but also some dark times, it has not been easy especially when you’re with someone that is so much alike such as yourself.
Before this time of being with him I have never realized how much I have been putting off the past pain that vie gone through, he has brought out the best in me but the pain that I have felt has brought me down as well. A lot of times I try to just be all that I can while putting effort into this love that we have it just gets to the point where am so scared to let him in that it causes us to argue because he wants me to feel comfortable talking to him but I have always been the type to just keep everything to myself, slowly I have been breaking down the walls that are forcing me to struggle.
Although throughout my time with him I have made my fair share of mistakes I have realize that there’s nothing worst then being dishonest so as a respect to him I have been honest about everything sometimes it may seem as if I’m nagging but it’s all a part of the emotions and fears many people face. He has expressed that he doesn’t exactly like me acting like I’m always worrying but sometimes you think the worst but hope for the best.
I grew up with people telling lies to me constantly so to feel like I’m being lied to comes naturally which often hurts so ever since I started to face my past head on I have been learning that not everything is going to be a fairytale which surprisingly does not bring my faith and hope down…having the strength to deal with the hurt I have felt all these years have ultimately come from my boyfriend being there when no one else has I have learned that there is never going to be perfect days but if you have someone there to help you accomplishing things can come easily. I love everyone in my life including him <3
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
Marilyn Monroe
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
Marilyn Monroe
"The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space."
Marilyn Monroe
"I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves. They didn't bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn't argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn't."
Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, March 23, 2011



During recent years relationships have been transforming from girls wanting to have the "fairy tale" ending to girls hoping the can survive because of the constant mood swings that guys have to offer.
Throughout this blog topic I have had to opportunity to research related topics that I could possibly compare and contrast but for my particular topic I couldn't really find the right information until I came across an article that happened about a year ago between two celebrity icons.
So I decided to compare the relationships between celebrities and people who are not in the spotlight.

Well let's begin with the celebrity point-of-view, for artist Chris Brown and Rihanna they have been in the world full of fame because of their different techniques towards music. Almost a year ago they had an altercation where Brown was arrested on charges of domestic violence, over time we saw the struggles of Brown within the media and while he went through his trials. But recently in an interview with people magazine sources say that while on air with Good Morning America when asked about his ex Rihanna his tempered flew through the roof. While trying to promote his new cd (F.A.M.E) his reaction to the conversation did not go so well. It seems as if no matter how perfect things start off as they could take an ugly turn in a split second and it really doesn’t matter if you guys are best friends it just shows that if you guys have no communication then something can happen at any time.

I have been in a relationship for almost two years and although I'm not in the spotlight like some others, it seems as if I am. My relationship has been rocky I have had everything from communication problems to dumb little arguments over the littlest things. I feel as if people always know what is going on with my relationship, so just because I'm not famous I show that no matter how much money you have everyone can find out what is going if you’re not so secretive or discrete about everything.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Your Opinion or Mine?

For this interview I decided to go with someone I know quite well. I had a gut feeling that she would be able to answer my questions as well as anyone... her name is Olivia Lapardo
I: How do you feel about relationships?
Olivia: “Relationships are only good when they’re worth it instead of playing games.”

I: what is your greatest fear when entering a relationship?
Olivia: “Rejection and the thought of getting hurt because it’s a 50/50 chance of ending up hurt.”

I: what do you like more being single or being in a relationship? Why?
Olivia: “Relationships because you know that person is there and you’re not alone.”

I: how have relationships been for you this year?
Olivia: “relationships have been difficult and complicated until someone walked into my life which was unexpected.”

I: do you prefer guys older or your age? Why?
Olivia: “older, because they are not necessarily mature but they have more responsibilities and not as much drama. They are just better!”
I: what plays a major role for you to pick a guy?
Olivia: Trust, because without trust you can’t give a guy your heart and hope he won’t break it. You’re taking a risk.”

I: if you could create the perfect man what would he have?
Olivia: “It’s not about making or finding the perfect person, it’s like finding someone who could be your best friend and who you’re most comfortable with.”

I: what has stopped you from being with someone?
Olivia: “I have been hurt in every relationship so I have a big guard up so it won’t happen again.”

I: have you ever met a guy that you really wanted to be with?
Olivia: “yes, I have and I’m taking a risk hoping he will not break my heart.”
I: what is your goal for gaining or having a relationship?
Olivia: “to find love because you can’t go in knowing you’re going to fall in love you either fall or you don’t.”

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thoughts and Feelings

Relationships are different for everyone throughout this world, there some that are arranged and others just happen. Not every relationship comes into play by accident you need to work towards it and sometimes it is not meant to be, some of my friends such as Olivia says “You need to feel a sense of comfort, happiness and trust within the person that is the main factor.” This is a major make-or-break relationship factor if you cannot gain any of these from  someone then that should be a sign of failure in the future. A friend Cody states “RELATIONSHIPS SUCK! And if you –put your whole heart into something then be prepared for consequences because you may or may not end up hurt and if you do not then that sheer sign of happiness and you lucky.” While for some relationships are not exactly a fun topic, it can also be a topic that has people jumping inside. Throughout my relationship I know I have done things to really make me question if I truly want to be with someone or just live a single life, but over the course of almost two years that I have been with my boyfriend I have come to find that being single causes a lot of heart ache because you always wanna feel like you have someone there to understand what your going through when times are bad. I have had my share of disappointments in relationships throughout my life, from talking to guys who I truly thought wanted to be with me and finding out that they were just trying to sleep with me- this hurt more than ever until I found my boyfriend and although we have had a rocky time we still manage to come out on top despite what anyone says. So to everyone that feels like their hope is slowly draining way never fear because if you have not found the one then believe that God does not what you to be unhappy he is just waiting until he feels like your ready for a new step in your life.

  1 Corinthians 13:4–8a
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Do You Think ?

Have you ever felt as if your partner is being unfaithful? Many men and women often feel as if they are being lied to because of little signs they suddenly start to see, infidelity is one of the leading causes that make or break relationships throughout the nation. Some people can never actually find out if their spouses are not be 100% honest with them but here are some ways to find out what is going on the minute you turn your back to face the world.

1.    He/She super protective of his gadgets
If your man/women are acting shady about you touch or even going through their electronics then that be a perfect sign that is showing you they must have something to hide. If they don’t care about if you look through their things then you can cross that off your suspicious list.

2.    He steps up the grooming.
Throughout your relationship if he dresses a certain way and then all of a sudden changes his appearance then your safe bet is that something or someone is causing him to change this.

3.    He smells different.
This may go along with the way he is dressing once he starts smelling different either a better smell then something is going on because if they couldn’t smell that way for you then who’s to say someone didn’t cause them to act this way?

4.   Nothing fazes him anymore.
If you start to either have problems with your partner or feel self-conscious about something and try to confront them but they don’t care about what you’re saying then who knows what they are truly thinking about….

"For nothing can seem foul to those that win."
William Shakespeare

Thursday, February 17, 2011

To Do or Not To Do?

To Do or Not To Do
Many people say that "All things happen for a reason," but you may feel different especially when you are not as happy as you see others. Well to change that mind set of not being as joyful as other you should follow some tips for achieve what you long for.

People often tend to see things through the looking glass in a sense of the fantasizing about what others have instead of what they can gain by themselves. If you’re thinking about what other people have then you are not deciding on what you should have for your own happiness. In an article on I found ways to gain the love life you truly want:

  •   Don't Look for Love
Instead of looking for what doesn't necessarily needs to be found, be patient and see what blows your way.

  •  Get Out There
Don't wait around for time to pass you by get out there, make it known that you’re alive, and willing to see what's to come your way.

  •  Embrace Disappointment
If you find someone that you think is right but find out that they are not what you thought don't hold on to what is not there.

  •  What You See If What You Get
You may dream of the "Perfect" man but truth is he is not real so you need to except that you cannot change the man to fit your image. Except it and Move on to better things.

  •     Something New
As you let go of something old, you often expect something new but if you’re picking the wrong type of people then how can you move on to someone new? Breaking bad habits are hard to kick unless you’re committed to moving forward so doesn’t look back on the bad fruit look at the garden full of fresh and new flavors.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Relationships: Make it or Break it ♥

Relationships: Make it or Break it

There are much type of love relationships in this world for every type of person it just depends on what you’re into. Many relationships have to start somewhere, they can either start from friendship or just jumping into it, it all depends on what you see as being a potential relationship.

Throughout the world people have been known to date or marry their best friends from high school, childhood, college, or just randomly. Not everyone starts out from being friends they might just be spontaneous and jump into it, a lot of times that doesn't work out unless your committed and working towards it. If you start out as friends and grow towards a relationship then you may be lucky to find your spouse, who knows? I have seen and heard of many people growing up together and making their relationships grow into marriage; if you have Ms.Persen as a teacher you might have heard her mention her love story between her husband & herself. They started out friends in high-school then dated then they made it official, many girls dream about one day gaining the "fairy tale ending" but they never think about the work for getting to that point.

Have you ever felt like you were in love with someone (even if you guys were just 'talking?’?) You thought they were the love of your life, would do anything for them, and be with them forever then get your heart broken? Well that's called lust not love. Many girls these days think they are in love when really they have no idea what that is or what it means to work for and in a relationship, after they have been through the heart ache they start to doubt themselves stating things like "I'm not good enough" or "I'm never going to find happiness" but who says that love and happiness will never come?
Celebrity love expert Patti Stanger went on Oprah to talk about her tips to finding love she has said there are eleven tips and they are:
1. Thou Shall Return Calls in a Timely Manner
2. Thou Shall Honor Your Commitments
3. Thou Shall Let the Man Take the Lead
4. Thou Shall Leave History in the Past
5. Thou Shall Be Focused and Positive
6. Thou Shall Not Drink Too Much
7. Thou shall not be a Gold Digger
8. Thou Shall Act Like a Lady
9. Thou Shall Show Sincere Appreciation and Interest
10. Thou Shall Not Give Nookie on the First Date
11. Thou Shall Break the Text Habit

- "Life is not about a party. There are going to be ups and downs and trouble and things are going to happen that are not great. How do you ride that road so to speak, that bumpy road, if you don’t have a partner in life? If you just think life’s a party, you’re going to end up being the last one at the party to leave." - Patti Stanger  